The Gilgo Four

Maureen Brainard-Barnes
  • From Norwich, Connecticut
  • Mother of two.
  • 4' 11" tall, 105 lbs.
  • Had recently returned (after a seven month absence) to working as a paid escort in order to pay her home mortgage. 
  • She used ads placed on Craigslist to solicit clients. 
  • Last seen 07.09.07
  • She said that she had planned "to spend the day in New York City."
  • Her body was discovered on December 10th
  • Shortly after her disappearance, Sara Karnes, a friend of Brainard-Barnes, received a phone call from someone on an unfamiliar phone number. The man on the phone claimed he had just seen Brainard-Barnes and that she was staying at a "whorehouse in Queens". The man would not identify himself and could not identify the location of the house. While he told Karnes that he would call back to give Karnes the address, he never did.
  • Karnes stated that the caller did not have either a New York or Boston accent.
  • Died by strangulation.
Marissa Barthelemy
  • Aged 24 at time of disappearance 
  • 4' 10" tall and weighed 95 lbs.
  • From Erie County, New York
  • Went missing 07.10.09
  • At the time of her disappearance, she had been living the Bronx and was working as an escort, soliciting clients through Craigslist.
  • On the night of her disappearance, she had met with a client. She had also deposited $900 in her bank account and attempted, unsuccessfully, to contact an old boyfriend.
  • One week after her disappearance, Barthelemy's sister begins receiving "vulgar, mocking and insulting" phone calls placed by a man, from Melissa's mobile phone. The caller asked Amanda if she "was a whore like her sister", told her that Melissa was dead and the he was going to "watch her rot".
  • Law enforcement was able to trace some of the calls to Madison Square Garden, mid-town Manhattan and Massapequa but could not determine who had placed the calls.
  • It was noted by Barthelemy's mother that, around the time of her disappearance, there were "a lot of calls to Manorville".
  • Died by strangulation.
Megan Waterman
  • She was last seen on surveillance video inside a motel walking out of the lobby

Amber Lynn Costello

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